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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey Day!

It seems that another Thanksgiving is upon us, and do you have any idea what that means? If you guessed a long weekend and plenty of leftovers, you’re right! So let’s start off the Turkey day with a new blog post!
I’d like to take this chance (because I haven’t posted since the news came out) to congratulate all of the employees of Google for getting a 10% raise. Now I know that every one of you that just read that sentence were imagining me using a LOT of sarcasm. Don’t. I am genuinely happy for Google’s employees. Why wouldn’t I be? I am a loyal Google-ite and I want to continue to see quality products produced by this team. Google made a lot of money this year, as they do every year, and their employees worked hard, so Google does the right thing by showing their appreciation for a job well done by providing raises. I’m just jealous that I don’t work for Google, or at least a company that shares the same values.

Now, the (former) employee that leaked the raise intel has been fired for doing so and I really feel bad for this guy. Yes, it was an inter-office memo from Eric Schmidt for Google employees only and leaking that memo was incredibly stupid, but firing him for it? Seems a bit harsh. Well..... if he was a quality employee, it seems harsh. If his superiors were just waiting for a good reason to fire him due to poor work, then that’s another thing. I don’t know anything about the guy, well except the fact that he is now unemployed. Happy holidays! I hear Facebook is hiring.

I mean really, is anyone genuinely mad at Google for giving raises this year? Am I mad at Google? How can I be? I don’t work there. People take offense to things that in no way affect their lives. What is wrong with us?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

People aren’t very smart.

And if that offends you, then it’s most likely you that I’m referring to. You see, the internet has been buzzing lately with all this talk about privacy on the web, and how much information do you really have floating out there for anyone to see. There is a very simple answer to that question, and I know what it is. The amount of personal information about you that is floating out in cyberspace is the exact same amount as the information that YOU put there in the first place. Now, I know some of you are shaking your heads in disbelief but let’s just think about this. The most common information about you would be what? Your contact information. Name, address, phone numbers, etc. Do you have an email address? Then odds are, you have voluntarily given that information to the internet. Many websites that you have signed up with have required that you put in some personal information. Date of birth, gender, etc.  Almost all of the information that can be found about you online has been put there by……you. So who is to blame here? Is it the search engine that points people to what they are searching for? Or is it your fault for supplying the info in the first place?