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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I'm right, and you're wrong! Nyah, nyah, nyah!

Social media, at its best, is a nice two-way street. One person posts something to their own Facebook wall, to which a friend comments on, and a small conversation will take place through the site. Same thing with Twitter, except the conversation takes place through @ replies and DM's.

Now, I'm assuming that if we are friends on Facebook, then we are friends in real life, or we're family. There is also the possibility that we have something in common that connected us, like a mutual friend or a particular interest. My point, is if we're 'friends' on Facebook, then one of us had to have sent the other a friend request, which was accepted. Twitter and Google+ are slightly different, but that is beside the point.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Memories with a Mustang

On April 22, 1966, my grandfather, Harold Shaw, walked into the showroom of Hub Motor City Sales in Atlanta, and drove out in a brand new, candy apple red 1966 Ford Mustang. Big Hal (as we called him) was an incredibly smart man, but I doubt even he could fathom the future of his $2,781.50 purchase nor the memories it would create.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

You need to read this.

I write in this blog because I want to. I'm a technology and gadget fan, so that's normally what I write about. Honestly, I normally don't care if you read it or not... but this time I do. This time... it's important. This time... it's not my words I want you to read, but I do want to say something first.

You see, we are in a pandemic of sorts. A pandemic that, while we are beating it back towards oblivion, we are doing so at a snail's pace, and I'd like to help speed it up. So what is the pandemic?

Bigotry [big-uh-tree]
noun, plural -ries.
1. stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.
2. the actions, beliefs, prejudices, etc., of a bigot.

This was made most apparent during my town's spring parade last weekend, when the Family Tree float drove by, and all clapping ceased as the float passed.
Photo by Mike Ewen/Democrat
Let me put that into some perspective for you about the values my town has:
  • The Parrothead float had a gentleman in a coconut bra and grass skirt
  • The Krewe float had female pirate wenches with their breasts spilling over the top of their outfit, as well as a topless mermaid decoration on the bow of the ship
  • The breast cancer research float had women with pinwheel bras (to be clear, I'm not criticizing the group, I'm merely pointing out the costume)
These floats, and possibly more, were well received with clapping, laughing, and hoots and hollers. But a tasteful float supporting our local gay community is shunned because people are too damn quick to judge others. I am embarrassed for my town.

I want you to read something. I discovered this through a friend on Facebook (thank you, Rain), and it moved me enough to try to get more eyes to see it. Don't back out now, if you've read this far into this post then maybe there is some hope left for reasoning with my fellow man. Ready? Click the link below.
 I'm Christian, unless you're gay.(Make sure you read all 3 pages)

Now I want you to read a 15 year old's response to that article, as well as his mother's reaction.
A Teen's Brave Response
Do not give me a knee-jerk reaction about what you have just read. Instead, give it 5 minutes. Think about it. Let it simmer in the three pounds of gray matter between your ears. Set any hatred you may have aside and think it over for 5 minutes with an open mind and open heart. I'll wait.

Now, if you have any comments you would like to make, go for it. Just remember, no matter who you are, or how you live.... I love you. Our world and its cultures are too diverse, and our lives are too damn short to be hateful for stupid reasons.

You may say I'm a dreamer,
but I'm not the only one.
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
- John Lennon

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

In your FACE!

I was working on a post about the lack of current day tech in Tallahassee, but I'm not going to post that one today because something incredible has just peeked around the corner.

Of course, it's from Google and it's called Project Glass, and it is augmented reality glasses. Don't worry, these aren't the big bulky VR monstrosities that were dreamed up in the 80's and 90's. These glasses are actually... sexy! See for yourself!