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Saturday, February 23, 2013

What A Week!

If you're reading this site, then you know that I like to play with the new gadgets and software. Unfortunately, my wallet forbids me from buying the new gear when it comes out, so I have to settle for checking out software.

It's is no secret that Verizon Wireless is possibly the slowest when it comes to updating their phones' software, so if you want to play with the latest dessert treat from Google... you need to install it yourself. So I did. Eventually. You see, initially, I only wanted to update the camera software so I could check out the Photoshere feature in the Android 4.2 update. Unfortunately, when I installed the camera update, it broke. I couldn't open the camera nor the photo gallery.

Well, dang. I guess I'll just update the entire OS to 4.2.1 then! Of course, when I install anything to my phone from a source other than the Google Play store or the Amazon App Store, I do my homework. Like I said, I can't afford to buy a new device if I brick it, so I like to make sure that won't happen. So I picked a version built by a trusted developer, and followed his instructions precisely. Installed, rebooted, and voila, it worked. Well, most of it. Somehow, Google Chat, Google Wallet, and Google+ weren't working. Ugh. On the other hand... the camera worked again.

Luckily, I found another Android build that would bring it up to the latest and greatest version: 4.2.2. This wasn't a huge update from the previous version, just mostly bug fixes. Was that the issue? Were my Google products not working because of a bug in 4.2.1? Who cares... let's update again!

Thankfully, the 4.2.2 update is working beautifully. Camera, gallery, all the Google Products, etc., it all works. And the Photosphere is a pretty neat feature as well. And now my phone is 4 full updates ahead of other Verizon Galaxy Nexuses... Nexus's.... Nexi? Whatever. My point is, I will not wait, ever again, for my cell carrier to push out an update to my phone, because when that happens (if it happens) it will be months after the update is made available from Google. There are developers out there that make a very stable, very customizable version that is more up-to-date than whatever version is currently running on your phone. If you've ever thought about rooting and ROMing your phone... go for it! It's a lot easier than you think it is. Just make sure you follow the directions for your exact phone (model and carrier).

Now for other news. Thursday afternoon, my news reader exploded with articles stating that the much rumored Chromebook Pixel was indeed real and was currently for sale in the Google Play store. So let's talk about that.

I like Chromebooks. I'm writing this post on a Chromebook. I've suggested to others to give Chromebooks a try and helped some new users understand their Chromebook better. So when the news of the Chromebook Pixel broke, I was excited. I mean, what's not to like? Back-lit keyboard, 2560x1700 (239 ppi) display, Intel i5 processor, 4GB RAM, 32GB solid state drive, and touchscreen! Wow, this is really a high end device. And Google knows it. And it's reflected in the price tag. The beautiful Chromebook Pixel starts at $1,299. Alright... so the ads really can't say that the Chromebook is "for everybody" anymore. My Chromebook, the Cr-48, is a great machine, although it does feel a bit under powered at times , so I am glad that Google has pulled out all the stops and made a Chromebook that would scream. But for thirteen hundred dollars?! I feel that Google may have missed the mark on this one. They have priced it just under a Macbook Pro. I'm just not sure how big the market is for what is, essentially, a $1,300 netbook. It's just too early to tell. I still have high hopes for Chromebooks in general.

For you gamers... Sony held a 2 hour event to announce the Playstation 4. They previewed many games that would be available on the new system, and talked about all the features the PS4 has.

The one thing missing from the event that was noticed by everyone... was the actual Playstation 4. That's right! Sony held a 2 hour event for a product they don't have. In related news, Ford announced an event to be held next week to showcase their new flying car.* As far as the price point for the new Playstation, your guess is as good as mine. Even the head of Sony America isn't sure, but he "hopes" it won't cost $599 at launch. I have no doubt that the PS4 will be a stellar product, but Sony has to start finalizing things in order to make it available by the 2013 holidays.

*That's a joke. As much as I wish it were true... it's just a joke. Please don't fall for it.