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Saturday, March 12, 2011

My effort to learn new things.

I installed a version of Linux called Ubuntu. I have known OF Linux for many years, but I never really took the time to learn anything about it. Now, if you are confused... Linux is an operating system like Windows and Mac. The difference is there are dozens of different versions of Linux (Mint, Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, Red Hat, etc,) and Linux..... is FREE. So this is a great idea if you want to give another OS a try and don't want to spend the money for Windows or Apple.

I have had Ubuntu installed alongside Windows for a week now (meaning, I can use either OS but I have to restart to switch) and there are a few things I really like, and a few things I really don't like. Some of the issues I have with Ubuntu stem from my lack of knowledge of the OS and the command prompt, so I really have no clue as to what Linux is fully capable of. From what I have read, it can do just about anything. The problem is, if you don't know the language, you can't make it do anything. Luckily for us, we have Google.

So far, the only thing I've been able to make it do, is the rotating cube desktop... which is pretty cool. But that is all it is. It's just an effect. I'm still trying to figure out what all I CAN do with it. My Adobe suite is the Windows version, so that's out. And while I can use some cloud apps to do some photo editing, I can't get the full range of editing tools that Photoshop has. Bummer. Another thing is that not all Flash plugins work. Kinda. If they are using the official Flash plugin, it works fine. If they are using a plugin using only portions of Flash, then no.

If you want to give Ubuntu a try, you'll need to bring along about 10% of your Windows knowledge. Right-clicking still gives you a mini-menu, and double clicking on an icon opens it up. That's about where the similarities end. You can't insert a program disc and expect to install it. You'll need to find a work-around because '.exe' does not mean the same thing in Linux as it does in Windows.

There is a bit of a learning curve (and I'm still learning), but I'd never say NOT to give it a try. Especially since you can install is alongside Windows so you can still learn a 2nd or 3rd OS while not affecting your main operating system. If you are uneasy about installing a different OS to your hard drive, no worries, because you can run Ubuntu from a flash drive. I'm having fun playing around in it, even though I accidentally deleted the entire menu bar within the first few days. Just don't install it with the expectations that you'll immediately switch from your current OS.

If you are seriously considering Giving Linux a try, check out this link:
Getting Started with Linux: Pick the Right Linux Flavor for You
Then go to:
Getting Started with Linux: The Complete Guide

That's it! Now go learn something new!

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