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Thursday, February 28, 2013

There Is Such A Thing As "Too Easy"

Let me pose a hypothetical situation to you. Let's say your significant other passed away suddenly (sad, I know, but bear with me), and that person did both of your taxes, paid the bills, and other important tasks. That person was also the administrator to the computer with all those files that you will need... but it is password protected and you don't know what it is. You have tried and failed many times to guess what the password could be; the dog's name, kid's name, your name, etc., but nothing works. What are your options?

The majority of people would either take it to a computer shop to see if they can unlock it, or accept defeat and admit to themselves that all that data would be forever lost. But there is a third option, and it scares me.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

What A Week!

If you're reading this site, then you know that I like to play with the new gadgets and software. Unfortunately, my wallet forbids me from buying the new gear when it comes out, so I have to settle for checking out software.

It's is no secret that Verizon Wireless is possibly the slowest when it comes to updating their phones' software, so if you want to play with the latest dessert treat from Google... you need to install it yourself. So I did. Eventually. You see, initially, I only wanted to update the camera software so I could check out the Photoshere feature in the Android 4.2 update. Unfortunately, when I installed the camera update, it broke. I couldn't open the camera nor the photo gallery.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Have You Been Scroogled?

Every now and then Microsoft likes to remind people that "Google goes through every Gmail that's sent or received". They do this in hopes of converting users to Just over a week ago, Microsoft fired up their smear campaign again, and this time there's a commercial...

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Thank You

I have noticed that my little tech blog here has hit somewhat of a milestone. Just a few moments ago, I saw that Will Work 4 Tech has surpassed the 10,000 view mark.

For those of you that have stopped by and read my ramblings, thank you. I am humbled. Ten thousand page views is quite an achievement for a blog of this size, and I am looking forward to writing more tech stories as well as learning about new technologies throughout the next 10,000 page views.

So again.... thank you.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

One Reason Why I Dislike ISP's

Earlier today, I noticed an ad on a page I was visiting. I see ads on webpages all the time, but it's fairly rare when I stop and take notice of them. This was an exception, and it is one of the many reasons why ISP's annoy me with their "bundling" tactics. This is the ad that I saw:

This amount, is all but meaningless for a number of reasons. The charge for internet will never be just $20 because there will be taxes, service fees, equipment rental fees, etc., so it is more realistic to say it would be closer to $35 per month. But even that number is insignificant due to the requirement that the internet service is bundled with other products.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Someone Call Security!

I've long been an advocate of security on electronic devices. Whether it's your main computer, or your smartphone or tablet. Some sort of security software is always the first thing I install on a new device, and that is unlikely to ever change. And I'm not talking about anti-virus or malware (although those are important also)... I'm referring to software that can help you locate your device if it is lost, or worse, stolen.

I'm not sure if I have mentioned an app called Cerberus before, but in case I haven't, let me tell you a little story. Across the pond, in the United Kingdom, on a tech centered message board called Overclockers UK, a new thread was created called "This man knows who stole my phone, can anyone help". It continued:
"Well about 3 hours ago some lovely person let themselves into my friends house and stole amongst other things my mobile phone."