This past Monday, Google lifted the veil on the new products in their Nexus line. First up is the official appearance of the Nexus 4, Google's updated flagship phone. While I thought the Galaxy Nexus was a decent iPhone competitor, the new Nexus 4 is sure to do even better.
Earlier this year, Google introduced the Nexus 7 at its annual Google IO developer conference. It was immediately a runaway hit. In just a few months, the Nexus 7 is already pulling in sales numbers of close to one million per month. This was enough to push Apple to produce a smaller version of the iPad called iPad Mini, and while early numbers certainly look promising, it's still priced well above Google's version. Hey, it wouldn't be Apple if it was priced competitively.
But the real surprise in the Nexus lineup was the brand new Nexus 10. This is Google's answer to the iPad. And man.... it is pretty.
The Nexus 10 is lighter, thinner, and faster than the New iPad, and at 300 ppi, it even has a better display than Apple's precious Retina Display. If I were Apple, this device would scare the hell out of me. Sure, you will always have the 'fanboys' that will always buy Apple products because they're Apple, but for the normal person that wants a tablet... who walks into a store and sees a 16gb iPad on one table for $499, and a 16gb Nexus 10 on another table for $399 with better specs... they will choose the Nexus tablet. Apple can't even flaunt that they have more apps anymore, because they don't!
The tablet wars are getting hot and heavy right now, with the winners being the consumers. Personally, I can't wait to hear about the number of holiday sales these will have. It wouldn't surprise me if Apple's iPad came in 2nd place on gadget wishlists this year.
P.S. - If you want to listen to me ramble on about this and some other things while trying to make sense, check out my podcast below.
P.S. - If you want to listen to me ramble on about this and some other things while trying to make sense, check out my podcast below.
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