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Sunday, August 8, 2010

I have turned 30.

OK, in all honesty, my birthday was just over a month ago.  We didn't do anything special to celebrate it, which was perfectly fine with me.  A day sitting on the couch in front of the TV doing nothing was exactly what I wanted to do.  To me, it was just another day... nothing special about it. I didn't feel old, or get depressed that my 20's were now behind me, I just enjoyed the day and watched a few movies and a baseball game.  I haven't put much thought into the fact that I am in my thirties and am now, in my very own words, old.

That is, until yesterday.  You see, yesterday, my younger brother by eight years graduated college.  It felt somewhat like a revelation when they called his name and he walked across the stage that my younger brother was now an adult.  So what did that make me?  Old.  Or at least... old enough.

Old enough to be incredibly proud of all the achievements my younger brother has accomplished.  Old enough to be happy to even spend a few days hanging out with him whenever I can.

I'm proud of the person you have become, and I'm glad you're my brother.

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