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Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I guess it was only a matter of time before I started a blog with Google, considering Google is slowly but surely taking over the world.  Not that I am complaining.  Honestly, I welcome our Google overlords.  Let's see, I have a Google account, so that means, I have Gmail, Picasa, Google Talk, Orkut (even though I'm not exactly sure what that one is), I use the Docs (for personal lists & to keep track of work hours), and most recently, I signed up for Google Voice, and have since notified everyone of my new phone number.  The last phone number I'll ever need.  Google makes my life easier.

I had for quite some time a blog through LiveJournal, and while I'll still log-in and catch up with the few people on my friends list there, I found that I rarely post anything of substance anymore.  I'm not sure if it is because I don't have time to blog, or because I rarely think to go to LiveJournal anymore.

So I'll give Blogger a shot. Why not, right?  If it's Google, it has to be good. Or..... is that Smuckers...

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