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Sunday, August 22, 2010

So I may suffer from a bit of road rage.

I just don't like traffic. OK, that's a lie.... I HATE traffic. It's only a small part that dislikes the extra amount of cars on the road, but the extra amount of stupidity really puts me in a bad mood. I enjoy the summer break because it's mostly locals on the streets that know where they're going, but it's at the end of the summer when things start going to hell. The gaggle of 17-18 year olds driving a car that daddy bought for them as a graduation present who think they are special and we should clear the road for them, add about 50% more traffic to our streets. Just once I'd like to stop one of these idiots and try to explain that there is a reason that a blinker is not an optional accessory. Not surprisingly, those are usually the cars that are missing a bumper, or have a busted taillight, or just a dozen dents and scratches all over their car. My only hope is that most of them drop out in the first few weeks. Needless to say, my middle fingers get quite the workout while school is in, and my car horn starts wheezing from over-use, and on some weekends I can lose my voice.

I'm trying to end each post on a good note, but the only good thing I can think if at the moment is that HBO is airing a new episode of True Blood tonight. So, wee?

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