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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I'm breaking up with my BlackBerry

 But not yet.  I just wanted to let my Storm know that its days are numbered. It's not that its a crappy phone or anything like that, but there are a few things that could have been made better.

Photo from CNET Reviews

  For instance...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

So I may suffer from a bit of road rage.

I just don't like traffic. OK, that's a lie.... I HATE traffic. It's only a small part that dislikes the extra amount of cars on the road, but the extra amount of stupidity really puts me in a bad mood. I enjoy the summer break because it's mostly locals on the streets that know where they're going, but it's at the end of the summer when things start going to hell. The gaggle of 17-18 year olds driving a car that daddy bought for them as a graduation present who think they are special and we should clear the road for them, add about 50% more traffic to our streets. Just once I'd like to stop one of these idiots and try to explain that there is a reason that a blinker is not an optional accessory. Not surprisingly, those are usually the cars that are missing a bumper, or have a busted taillight, or just a dozen dents and scratches all over their car. My only hope is that most of them drop out in the first few weeks. Needless to say, my middle fingers get quite the workout while school is in, and my car horn starts wheezing from over-use, and on some weekends I can lose my voice.

I'm trying to end each post on a good note, but the only good thing I can think if at the moment is that HBO is airing a new episode of True Blood tonight. So, wee?

Monday, August 16, 2010

We're sick. *cough*cough*

My girlfriend and I, that is. We both have some sort of sinus infection or head cold or something. The strange part is, I had it a couple weeks ago, and got over it. Now, Jenna is about a week into it, and I'm getting it again! If you would like it too, here are the ingredients:

"The Funk"
  • 1-part sore throat
  • 1-part sinus congestion
  • 3-parts coughing.
  • Mix thoroughly in a glass of exhaustion
  • Serve at an inopportune time with a shot of NyQuil
At least, that's what it feels like to me. Results may vary. I smoked cigarettes for almost 14 years, and during that time I would catch a cold once every 2 years or so. Usually a head or chest cold that would pass within a week. Now, after just over a year being a non-smoker, a get a head cold 2 times within a month. No sir, I don't like it.

On to more interesting things. It seems as though we have finally caught up on the shows we have been watching. True Blood, Hung, Weeds, etc. While I thought we were up to date with 30 Rock, I just checked their website and we're still a season behind. OK, so we're not current on ALL our shows, but we're close enough for government work. My awesome girlfriend got us signed up for HBO and Showtime last week, so now we can watch True Blood on Sundays at 9 like all the other normal people. It is by far, my favorite show this year.

"And now, time for the weather. Tiffany?"

Sunday, August 8, 2010

I have turned 30.

OK, in all honesty, my birthday was just over a month ago.  We didn't do anything special to celebrate it, which was perfectly fine with me.  A day sitting on the couch in front of the TV doing nothing was exactly what I wanted to do.  To me, it was just another day... nothing special about it. I didn't feel old, or get depressed that my 20's were now behind me, I just enjoyed the day and watched a few movies and a baseball game.  I haven't put much thought into the fact that I am in my thirties and am now, in my very own words, old.

That is, until yesterday.  You see, yesterday, my younger brother by eight years graduated college.  It felt somewhat like a revelation when they called his name and he walked across the stage that my younger brother was now an adult.  So what did that make me?  Old.  Or at least... old enough.

Old enough to be incredibly proud of all the achievements my younger brother has accomplished.  Old enough to be happy to even spend a few days hanging out with him whenever I can.

I'm proud of the person you have become, and I'm glad you're my brother.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I guess it was only a matter of time before I started a blog with Google, considering Google is slowly but surely taking over the world.  Not that I am complaining.  Honestly, I welcome our Google overlords.  Let's see, I have a Google account, so that means, I have Gmail, Picasa, Google Talk, Orkut (even though I'm not exactly sure what that one is), I use the Docs (for personal lists & to keep track of work hours), and most recently, I signed up for Google Voice, and have since notified everyone of my new phone number.  The last phone number I'll ever need.  Google makes my life easier.

I had for quite some time a blog through LiveJournal, and while I'll still log-in and catch up with the few people on my friends list there, I found that I rarely post anything of substance anymore.  I'm not sure if it is because I don't have time to blog, or because I rarely think to go to LiveJournal anymore.

So I'll give Blogger a shot. Why not, right?  If it's Google, it has to be good. Or..... is that Smuckers...